BIRDIE Workshop: Non-animal models in research and drug development

The BIRDIE consortium has gathered experts in kidney disease, pharmacology, organ-on-chip technology and 3R for a workshop to discuss how we can transition to non-animal in research and drug development. The goal of this worksop is to stimulate dialogue between academic research, pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities, and to discuss opportunities and challenges associated with implementing new non-animal research models. The workshop takes place on October 18, 10-14:15 CEST and will be broadcast live. Use the link provided below to register.

Today, late-stage failures is a major driver behind increasing drug development costs. In vitro research models that combine human cells with accurate modeling of organ and multi-organ physiology has the potential to offer predictive power at an early stage of development. BIRDIE aims to develop three-dimensional (3D) in vitro human renal tubulointerstitium (TI) models, based on two enabling technologies: bioprinting and organ-on-chip technology, with a high degree of mimicry of native kidney function. A main driver for the project is to provide new innovative tools for researchers and the pharmaceutical industry to advance kidney disease understanding and promote development of new treatments.

Time & Date: October 18, 10-14:15 CEST


Carlos Mota
Assistant Professor, Maastricht University.
BIRDIE coordinator

Emelie Lassén
Associate Principal Scientist, AstraZeneca
Philip Dalsbecker
Postdoctoral Fellow, AstraZeneca

Silvia Mihăilă
Assistant Professor, Utrecht University

Maria Tenje
Professor, Uppsala University

Camilla Svensson
Scientific Director in Pharmacology/Toxicology,
Swedish Medical Products Agency

13:30–14:10 Roundtable